Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Summary of Attitude That Attract Success free essay sample

He is also the president of New Hope International, a ministry dedicated to developing emerging leaders to plant twenty-first-century churches. The author of Doing Church as a Team. Wayne has planted churches in the continental United States, Guam, Samoa, Japan, the Philippines and Europe. He travels extensively as a speaker, recording artist and church consultant. Wayne and his wife, Anna, live in Hawaii with their children, Amy, Aaron, and Abigail. Summary: The book â€Å"Attitudes that Attracts Success† is a book of inspiration and knowledge about how our attitude can attract success. Wayne Cordeiro emphasized the advantages of those people who have good attitude than those who have a broken attitude. It is like finding two people who attended the same school, had the same teachers, shop at the same store, live in the same city and even attend in the same church. One struggles and the other is successful. Why? It is all because of attitude. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of Attitude That Attract Success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Our attitude is important because it is the one which drives our lives. In this book, Wayne Cordeiro enlisted the things that we need to do to be able to improve our attitude that can attract success. Each chapter contains different inspirational stories that are connected to the main topic. The first chapter was entitled â€Å"Make Your Choice†. The Sermon on the Mount – perhaps Jesus’ most famous sermon – addresses our attitudes. Theologians have called this series of teachings the Beatitudes. His lesson could be summed up this way: â€Å"Your attitudes will determine what you will be. † Jesus knew that developing a correct perspective on life was critically important to our lives and to our ministries, and so He spoke first and often on that very topic. In fact, before Jesus taught His disciples about miracles, discipleship or how to deal with the Pharisees, He taught them about attitudes. Every phrase of the Beatitude deals with building right attitudes because they become the lamp of the body, the very way we see and interpret the world around us. An interesting scientific theorem states that if your basic premise is inaccurate, then every subsequent conclusion thereafter will also be inaccurate. What this means is that if you are solving a math problem and you begin by determining 2+2 = 5, then all of your following calculations will be incorrect. Likewise, if my core attitudes and perspectives toward life and people are skewed, and then I too will experience massacre after massacre in the form of devastated relationships, foiled expectations and broken dreams. Jesus knew that from the core of our beings, we need to develop a right attitude toward life. Let our eyes and attitude be clear and every conclusion that we will have will have a potential for success. Believing that you can change is the main topic that was tackled on the second chapter of the book. No one has given an unalterable attitude. We are all capable to change but it is up to us. We are the one who is going to decide if how we are going to approach life and develop that kind of attitude. A new attitude doesn’t happen on its own. We must develop it, and the sooner we begin the better. Some people hide behind the excuse that they just can’t change: â€Å"I’ve been this way since I was a kid, and I’m not about to change now. † It’s never too late to change. Change is indispensable to growth. If you stop changing, you stop growing. And if you stop growing, you’re in trouble. What do you call a tree that has stopped growing? That’s right, dead. It’s no different with people. When they stop growing, they start dying. Some people stopped growing years ago. We might not bury them until they have stopped moving, but they really died years ago. You can change your attitude. When we refuse to change and resist God’s leading, life can become pretty miserable. Nevertheless, many times we won’t change until the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. Failure is not when you get knocked down. Failure is when you refuse to get back up. Don’t hang around the swamps of despair. They will only skew you attitude and impede your resilience. Learn to bounce back quickly. Our attitude will either protect us or defeat us in the midst of storms. Let us develop our attitude well. Train your eyes to see what is good was emphasized on the third chapter of the book. All our lives, we have trained our eyes to see what is bad. From an early age, we have been training ourselves incorrectly. We get up and read the morning newspaper over breakfast, getting our minimum daily requirement of bad news. On the way to work, we stop by the newsstand and by the latest issue of a newspaper so we can find out what’s wrong with the world. We have to retrain our eyes. The reason is this: Whatever we’re looking for is what we will see. That’s how God made us. If we are looking for something good, we will see what is good. If we are always looking for what is wrong with people, what we will see is everything that is wrong. One way to cultivate staying power is to change your definition of an event or circumstance. After all, the way in which you define your circumstances will determine, to a large degree, how you will respond to that event. Let us consider it all joy, and watch our faith grow. Chapter four was all about raising the bar of excellence. Developing our attitude is like developing our skill on a musical instrument- it takes consistent practice to improve. Let us do something to excel more. Realize the potential inside you. God does not insist that we raise the bar a foot at a time. One inch is fine. This means incrementally increasing your abilities. Keep improving yourself for the sake of the kingdom of God, whether it be the depth of your faith, the way you treat people or the way you think. Improve this by 1 percent every day, and the potential God has placed in you will begin to emerge. But first, you must be willing to raise the bar. Play the right background music was discussed on the book’s fifth chapter. God created every human being with a built-in surround-sound music system. It resembles the on-hold music you hear when you’re waiting to talk to your doctor or the music wafts through the mall to entice you to buy more. Our internal music is composed of the thoughts we think over and over. These include selected memories – maybe something our parents once told to us, a word of encouragement from a teacher or the way we felt when we weren’t picked to be on the team or to be someone’s best friend. As we dwell on memories, experiences and thoughts, they are recorded on the soundtrack of our minds and play continuously all day long. Whatever you play on this internal sound system affects everything about you- your attitude, your self-image, your confidence level, your relationships, the way you communicate with others and even your faith. Each of us gets to determine what music we are going to play. You are a disc jockey, choosing your own theme songs. Doesn’t that seem wonderful? We get to play the music of our choice to accompany us all throughout the day. We can choose from every grand sound track, opera or melodious composition ever written! The reality is that most of us make some very odd musical choices. Some of our tapes and CDs have deep scratches on them. Some are so old, they’re like the 78-rpm vinyl records of decades ago- old songs, old experiences that should long have been forgotten or forgiven. You are the disc jockey. What is your playlist? You get to make the selections, so choose wisely! If your thinking is poor, so will your perspective be. And if your perspective is poor, so will your decisions be. Protect yourself well, guarding your thought-life and stewarding all that goes on in your mind. Then you will be able to stand your ground against Satan, against becoming a people of the lie. And when everything is done, you will be left standing, victorious. In the sixth chapter, it was said that we must practice, practice, and practice! As with learning any sport or musical instrument, the more you practice developing an attitude of excellence, the more proficient you’ll become at it. Learning to develop a good attitude doesn’t happen by accident. It needs to be intentional and deliberate- nothing less. You first attempts may seem awkward, but keep practicing. Practice the virtue of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self- control. Take time to practice these characters and qualities God wants to build in you and express through you. The more you practice these things, the more fruitful you’ll be in your attitude, business, ministry, and family. Never give up was emphasized on the seventh chapter. Let us all agree on one thing: Every one of us will have the dubious honor of being and receiving end of life’s setbacks- frequently. We all experience speed bumps in life. Suffering is inevitable, but misery is an option. Suffering will change you, but not necessarily for the better. You can let your setbacks become stumbling blocks or make them stepping stones. Life can make us bitter or better. All of us have stumbled, and many of us have often run the wrong way. But God is not done with us. Granted, there will be a few fumbles and misguided moves on the fields of our lives. Still, He prods us back into the game. He believes in us. The game is not over yet! The prerequisite for restoration is not performance; it is love. Love will always be God’s highest test. Don’t put a magnifying glass on failure. Put your magnifying glass on love, and it will help you see things the way Jesus does. That’s always the best way to look at things. Finish well. We have only one life to live for Jesus on this earth, and it will soon be over. Time passes quickly. It is like rewinding a videotape: the closer it gets to home, the faster it goes! So it is with each of us. Don’t live with a squandered life. Since you have only one life to give, live it well. What separates a futile life from a fruitful one? Your attitude will be the difference between existing and living. Your most important life decision will be your choice of whether or not to follow Jesus Christ. Your choice to open your heart to Him will be the most eternal decision you will ever make. If you have not done that, don’t hesitate for another moment. There is no greater choice than to choose Him to be the Lord in your life, no matter how many possessions you own, how much money you have made or how much power you have accumulated. Just because you are a Christian does not guarantee fruitfulness. Anyone can develop an attitude that attracts success. You don’t have to be a world-famous evangelist to shine. Just start by shining your light to those around you every day. And what is the beacon through which your light will shine to those around you? Your extraordinary attitude! Each of us can live an extraordinary life with an attitude of excellence, but it must be diligently cultivated. Here are some keys of building extraordinary attitude: Aim for the right target. An attitude that attracts success begins with knowing which opportunities to accept and which to reject. This way you will begin to develop not just an existence but a life that is about answering God’s call every single day. Remember, first aim for the right target. What are you aiming for? What is your goal? That will determine the race you run. Run the right race. God sets a different race before each and every one of us. You cannot run someone else’s race; you can only run your own. If you run the wrong race, you’ll end up at the wrong finish line. Understand what satisfies your soul. Contentment cannot be acquired directly. Rather, it is a by- product of a life that is focused on the right things. Truly content people are those whose aim in life is something much bigger than attaining mere contentment alone. If your sole aim is to acquire possessions and money in order to be comfortable and content, then contentment will be as elusive as butterfly. Learn to understand what satisfies your soul; otherwise, you will never develop an attitude of true contentment. You’ll always be looking for a good time but never finding it. Make contentment an inside job. Contentment is vital in developing an extraordinary attitude. It’s the final critical key in our process. Each of these four keys seems simple, but each is eternally priceless. Remember, start off right by aiming for the right target, the one God has for you as you â€Å"run your particular race to win†. The next step is just to do it. Run the right race. The last two go hand in hand. Understand what satisfies your soul, and do so by learning contentment. With these keys in hand, you’ll be able to run your race and finish well! The last chapter is all about going back to the source. Your attitude, in essence, is the expression of your faith and the display of your character. The bottom line of developing an attitude that attracts success is not simply found in positive thinking. We must go beyond a positive outlook. God is the only one who can change the human heart. The government can’t, money won’t and ideal circumstances don’t. Without God, our efforts will be futile at best. Developing a world-class attitude takes decisiveness, commitment, perseverance and willingness to be effective at this thing called life. Your attitude is, in essence, the expression of your faith and the display of your character. It is not simply the result of positive thinking. It is the result of Jesus Christ’s working in your life moment to moment and your cooperation with His instructions. The Bible is our attitude instruction manual. When God’s word fills our minds, we can’t help but to develop a better attitude. We all will have two teachers in life: the teacher of wisdom and the teacher of consequences. Both are tremendous teachers, and you will learn from both. There is a price that must be paid to be enrolled in each class. However, the price that must be paid for the teaching of consequences can cost you everything you have. For some, it has cost them years; others have paid with their future, and for still others, it has cost them their families. You will have no doubt learned from consequences, but she can be a cruel taskmaster. Wisdom, on the other hand, comes from lessons learned vicariously through others consequences. You can learn from others’ experiences without having to go through the pain yourself. But there is a price for obtaining wisdom as well, because wisdom requires you to develop something called discipline. When you would rather get angry than be patient, discipline is painful! When you want to tell someone off but you know it would be wiser to let it go, this also can be painful. Be aware that the pain of discipline will cost you pennies, whereas the pain of regret can cost you millions. Wisdom can come from many different sources. We can learn a great deal by experiencing every new thing firsthand and feeling pangs of consequences, but they may not be the best way. Experience can be a good teacher, but wisdom is far more desirable. Prayer is the time for making an attitude adjustment. Prayer is one more elusive exercise in a Christian’s life. It’s a bit like watering a plant: You may not see immediate results, but if the discipline of prayer is neglected, the consequences can be disastrous. Prayer must be a habit- a daily habit. Developing attitude that attracts success is a choice. The most important decision you will ever make in life is your decision to follow Jesus Christ. This decision will determine the eternity of your life. The second most important decision you’ll make will be the attitude with which you will follow the Lord. This decision will determine the quality of your life. Never stop learning. Make it a lifelong goal. Discover new truths and insights that will awaken your spirit. New horizons will help you to look ahead and focus on your potential rather than on your problems, on your future rather than on your failures. Here are three ways that adopting and maintaining a positive attitude will create more opportunities than you ever thought possible: 1) A positive attitude will help you recognize opportunities as they appear in your life. Its important to understand that all sorts of opportunities surround you every day, but most of them pass by unnoticed. The ones that we do notice are the ones that are in alignment with our attitudes. Theres no magic to it, really just a matter of focus. If you maintain a positive attitude, you will naturally notice people, opportunities, and circumstances that have the potential to positively affect your life. Conversely, if you adopt a negative attitude, the only circumstances and people you will notice are negative ones. Either way, those things that are not in alignment with our attitudes are filtered out by our minds. To use a rather mundane example have you ever been car shopping, and thinking of buying a particular model (for this example, lets say a Honda Accord)? Chances are, it probably didnt take long before you started seeing Accords everywhere. You noticed them in traffic, you saw them in parking lots, you encountered advertisements for Accords uddenly they seemed to be everywhere you looked! Now, did a swarm of Honda Accords really start placing themselves where you would see them? Of course not! They were there all along, but you just started noticing them when your mind was focused on the possibility of purchasing an Accord. People, opportunities, and circumstances work in much the same way. When you adopt a positive attitude, youll start noticing positive opportunities and people. They were there all along, but you didnt see them until you changed your mental focus. If you did see them, you probably didnt notice the potential they had to positively affect your life. 2) A positive attitude attracts positive people. We naturally gravitate toward people who exude happy, positive vibes. Given the choice, would you rather spend the day with someone who saw the world as being full of possibilities, or with someone who moped around and blamed everyone and everything around them for their failures and unhappiness? Attracting the company of positive people will open up even more opportunities for success. The people who gravitate to you will be open to helping you making a contact for you, inviting you to an enriching event, lending their efforts to help you achieve your goals simply because you have lifted their spirits with your positive energy! 3) A positive attitude will give you more energy and allow you to accomplish more. Worry, anger, self-pity, and other negative emotions are HUGE energy drains how easy is it to get out of bed in the morning and attend to the activities that will contribute to your success, when youre feeling sorry for yourself and dwelling on all of the negative aspects of your life? A positive attitude makes the difference between dragging yourself out of bed, even more tired than when you went to bed, and springing out of bed before the alarm goes off, ready to meet the opportunities each day has to offer. The extra energy you get from maintaining a positive attitude lets you work more efficiently, take on new activities, and create the circumstances for your own success. And when its time to turn in for the night, youll feel even better knowing that every action you took throughout the day contributed to that success. Ready to create your own proof? Then try this simple exercise: Decide for one day that youre going to maintain a positive attitude no matter what. You dont have to worry about how simply making the committed decision to spend one day with a positive mental focus will take care of the how. When negative thoughts arise (and they will), acknowledge them and let them go. Dont judge them this will only serve to facilitate further negative thinking, because youll mentally beat yourself up for having the negative thoughts in the first place. Instead, view them as if youre watching a television commercial, or looking at a billboard. This helps you emotionally separate from your negative thoughts, so you can easily let them go. Doing this only leaves room in your day for positive thoughts. Your day doesnt have to be perfectly positive in fact, even the most positive people still encounter negative emotions and thought patterns but making the mental commitment to maintain a positive focus will place you far ahead of people who allow them to constantly be mired in negative thinking. More than any other factor, the condition of your attitude will determine the quality of your relationships with other people, whether you can turn a problem into a blessing or whether you become a victim of defeat or a student of success. The simple fact that attitude â€Å"makes† some while â€Å"breaking† others is a significant enough reason for us to explore how it works and how it is cultivated. The attitude we develop will cause us to see life either as a series of opportunities or in terms of our probabilities for failure. How a person defines life’s events will do more than anything else to determine his or her potential for success in life. How true it is that you are one attitude away from a bright future! III. ANALYSIS This book is for leaders, businesspeople, homemakers and young people. No matter what our background is or what our occupation may be, the principles of this book can transform our lives and relationships. The only prerequisite is that we’ll be an avid student of life. Many people are not that far from a life of joy and success. Just a few adjustments and life would come loud and clear for them. Like a radio that’s not tuned quite right, the music can be heard but it’s full of static and fades in and out. A small turn of the dial would recalibrate the frequency by just a few hertz. Then, all of a sudden, the scratchy signal is transformed into a stereophonic symphony of sound. Our attitude is where that small adjustment must be made. Attitude can mean difference between success and failure. Someone once said that the difference between people is very small, but that very small difference is very big indeed! Living a life of joy and success is something God has already wired into our design. God has planned our future to be one of success. He takes no joy or glory in a mediocre life. Fruitfulness is what God wants for each of us, and He’s ready to help us achieve it! Just like what Wayne Cordeiro said, â€Å"Our attitude is like a fragrance that we carry around with us. The difference is that skunks carry a bad odor while a beautiful Hawaiian plumeria blossom carries a fragrance. Whether we like it or not, each of us carries one of the above. We are the one who are going to choose which odor we are going to carry. † We are what we are today because of our past experiences. This was included in Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytical theory. He also believed that our past experiences motivate us. On the other hand, in the individual psychology of Alfred Adler, he believed that our dreams and our future are our motivation. These theories are applicable in this book because our past experiences and our future or dreams are our motivation to have a good attitude that can be a key to success.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

None Example

None Example None – Coursework Example Price Ceiling January 11, Price Ceiling Price ceiling is implemented in a bid to avoid consumer exploitation by ensuring that the basic commodities are available at affordable prices. In the oil industry, the prices have been sky rocketing thus adversely affecting the economy. This is mainly because it constitutes a significant percentage of energy sources. In the implementation of price control, consideration on the cause of rise in fuel prices should be considered. In some instances, the main cause of the rise in the prices is the shortage in supply. Under such circumstances, price ceiling is not a solution. As such, increasing production and use of other alternative sources of energy could be the ultimate solution (Whittington & Delaney, 2011). The forces of demand and supply determine the equilibrium point. As such if the price ceiling is above the equilibrium price, then it has no effect on the economy. When price ceiling is below the equilibrium price, adverse consequences such as supply shortage due to increased demand and reduced production as a larger group of the population will be able to purchase the commodity (McEachern, 2011). Moreover lowering of quality in a bid to reduce production cost, discrimination, and the increased use of black market is evident (Arnold, 2010). Due to the shortage, queuing for the product is evident with the elderly and physically challenged being disadvantaged. This is usually addressed through rationing. When operating in the black market, the customers are not protected and therefore they could encounter violence or even theft (Mankiw, 2011). Thus, when the gasoline prices rises above $4 and the government places a price ceiling, consideration is necessary as if implemented for long could have adverse effects on the economyReferencesArnold, R. A. (2010). Microeconomics. Stamford, Connecticut, USA: Cengage Learning. Mankiw, N. G. (2011). Principles of Microeconomics. Stamford, Connecticut, USA: Cengage Learning.McEacher n, W. A. (2011). Macroeconomics. Stamford, Connecticut, USA: Cengage Learning.Whittington, O. R. & Delaney, P. R. (2011). Wiley CPA Examination Review, Outlines and Study Guides. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. None Example None – Essay Example Contrast between the approach employed by Mahathir towards the indigenous business people in Malaysia with the one taken by Suharto in Indonesia. Thepolitical regime in Malaysia is composed of a multi-party system. Its political process is "consociationalism" meaning, the interests of the community are resolved within the grand coalition framework. Over the recent years, there has been increased media coverage in politics making it transparent to the citizens. Malaysia is a multi-cultural nation whose population comprises of three main groups namely ethnic Indian, ethnic Chinese and Bumiputera. Of the three groups, the Bumiputera are the indigenous people. During the period of British rule in Malaysia, the ethnic Chinese grew to be the dominant ethnic group in the Malaysia’s business sector. This brought tension between them and the Bumiputera after independence. This led to the adoption of a new economic policy in an attempt to equalize power between the Chinese minorities who were dominant in business with the Bumiputeras. This economic policy was instituted by Mahathir bin Mohamed, Malaysia’s Prime Minister in 1981 (Gomez and Jomo 1997). Gomez and Jomo (1997) explain that the new business policy was meant to equalize business power between the Bumiputera, and the ethnic Chinese. Through this policy, Mahathir gave preferences to Bumiputera, the indigenous Malaysian over the ethnic Chinese. For example, it required that companies which exceeded a certain size should have a Bumiputera partner. Though the policy did not last long, it brought long lasting harmonious existence in the business sector between the two groups. In the other hand, ethnic Chinese comprise just a small percentage of the Indonesian population. Despite this, they also control a bigger share of the wealth of the nation (Victor 1992). This greatly disadvantaged the indigenous Indonesian business people given the existing economic policies that did not fight for them. For example, during the time of the reign of Suharto, he favored the economic aspects of Chinese. Suharto’s favor towards the economic aspects of the Chinese caused the Chinese business community to be advantaged over the indigenous business community for a long time. As a result of this, the indigenous people held sentiments towards this (BBC News). We can therefore say that Suharto failed to accord equal opportunities for the indigenous business as compared to Malaysia’s Mahathir. This situation led to hatred towards the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia. Recently, there has been violence in Indonesia which target the ethnic Chinese population. Conclusion Mahathir towards the indigenous business people in Malaysia entailed the equalization of business power between the indigenous Bumiputeras and the ethnic Chinese. Contrastingly, Suharto’s approach to did not offer such equal opportunities for business to the indigenous business people. As a result of the two contrasting approaches, Malaysia has become an example of interethnic harmony during the period of economic crisis opposed to Indonesia where thousands of ethnic were massacred during the 1997, anti-Chinese riots. Such hatred emerges from the sentiments held by the people towards being disadvantaged economically in their own country. References BBC News (21st May, 1998). The role of ethnic Chinese. Online: Viewed on 25th May, 2011. Gomez Edmund and Jomo, K. (1997). Malaysias Political Economy: Politics, Patronage, and Profits. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. Victor David (1992). International Business Communication. HarperCollins. New York. Discussion questions 1. What motivated Suharto to have a discriminative approach to the indigenous business people? Chinese are naturally business people and their involvement in Indonesian business was likely to drive the country’s economy to greater heights. The Chinese were more able in terms of capital which encouraged the seting up of private businesses to boost the economy. Suharto had married a Chinese woman 2. Did Suharto’s approach to the indigenous business people disadvantage them alone the whole economy? It led to increased food prices It lowered employment rate as Chinese firms imported cheap labor from china Led to a substantial net flow of profits as Chinese businesses channeled profits to their home country. None Example None – Coursework Example Buy one, get one free Buy one; get one free is a sales promotion strategy usually adopted by marketers to attract s. They know the psychologyof the consumers very well and try to exploit it with help of ads like these. It should be noted that no non-charitable business groups can offer anything free to the customers. If they offer something free, definitely that price of the free product will be included in the price of actual product purchased. It is evident that a business group cannot survive for longer periods if they keep on providing free gifts to its customers. The prices of products offered on â€Å"buy one get one free† basis often end up in buying two products at the regular price. For example, if the seller offers you a product for $ 500 on buy one get one free basis, the actual price of the single product could be $ 250 only. In other words, â€Å"the markets have priced the free item into the price of the first item† (Lu) Consumers may not aware of it and t hey will be trapped by the marketers. In normal cases, it is not necessary for the governments to regulate promotions like these since business groups have the right to publish eye catching advertisements to attract customers. However, it is the duty of the governments to warn the people about the baselessness of such advertisements. It should be noted that tobacco companies need to display the statutory warning against smoking on all advertisements. Governments can think in terms of enforcing such measures on buy one get one free ads also in order to warn the people about the tricks involved in such ads. To conclude, buy one get one free is a fraudulent marketing activity performed by business people to attract customers and it should be regulated with the help of laws. Works citedLu Xin. â€Å"Why "Buy One Get One Free" Is Usually A Bad Deal†. 2008. Web 05 January 2012.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Employer & Employee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Employer & Employee - Essay Example What we need to do, It can be proposes, is to understand the "communicative process" involved with the use of the Internet. If "communicative process" suggests the functions undertaken by both senders and receivers of information, as well as the information, itself, then understanding a Web site, that is, a component of the Internet, would require an examination of its creators and their environments, in addition to its users and content. Interpreted in this way, Jones' idea suggests a need to study Website of from the perspective of the organizational conditions within which they function. These conditions would have effects upon the Website of' structure, elements, appearance and functionality. The interface recommends examining the Web from the broad perspective by characterizing the functions of Website of as being for entertainment, browsing, education, work, and academic use. Understanding this informs design choices, It can be argues, as does recognizing that a Web site is simultaneously a mass medium and a means of interpersonal co mmunication. The Webpage for August Tips also suggests that studying communication as a "practice" would be to look at the cultural processes that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Security issues associated with Social Media Essay

Security issues associated with Social Media - Essay Example Similarly, social medical security concerns have dominated the highlights in the last few decades, (Ludlow, 1996). With various social media products, the default setting spread everything and clients have to set their views to privatize their accounts. These practices open up various security concerns because various people gains access to personal information. With modern cases of malware, phishing and spam, social media products create various security issues. Cybercrime can hack information about a user from his social networking posts or profile and shape his attacks in accordance to his like and interests. Experts define this as social engineering, an act that makes security risks increasingly hard to recognize. Some social media users share large private information amount in their social media products such as Facebook and MySpace. Such information entails personal, demographic and other information, pictures and videos. Various clients publish their information publicly and any careful thought. Therefore, social media has turned out to be a main pool of sensitive information. Additionally, users of social media are mainly confident on their colleagues. They constantly incline to friend requests and entertain sent items. This may compromise personal details that hackers may take advantage of to attack users. Similarly, inadequate physical contact on such social media products can reduce the natural defenses of users, resulting into people revealing private information to strangers and enemies, (Dhillon, 2002). Sharing private information such as passwords, contact details, images and other confidential information in social media products is increasingly dangerous. Theoretically, a person can find out the city you reside and your whereabouts at a certain hour of the day. With the help of the pictures, the person can show up and pretend to be a long lost relative who is lucky and need some financial assistance. Inadequate physical contact allows false pr ofile creation, for instance, a user may think he is chatting with his family member (brother or sister) while he is chatting with a stranger from another place. Excessive chatting on social media sites can create unnecessary gossips about the organization that an employee works and its strategic goals and plans, while unscrupulous rival can engineer workers into disclosing company’s intellectual property, (Quigley, 2005). In some cases, hackers go direct to the source and inject malicious passwords or codes into social media sites such as internal advertisements and third-party applications. For instance, in Twitter, summarized URLs are utilized to trick clients into opening malicious sites, which can extract individual or organizational data if accessed via office computer. Similarly, Twitter is mainly vulnerable to this mechanism as it is possible to tweet a posts to be posted and revealed to a million of people. Hacking of accounts is not mainly a security issues from the friends circles angle, it is extremely risky to workers and users too. Poor management of accounts passwords and unencrypted connections are a risky mix that may result to hijacks of accounts and the possibility for adverse reputational

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Case for Animal Rights by Tom Reagan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Case for Animal Rights by Tom Reagan - Essay Example Animal rights violators have argued that not all living things have equal rights and that humans are superior to the others. They state that human beings have the rights while the other living things, especially animals, have rights only in the right view of the human being responsible. Reagan accounts for the need to have animal rights on the following arguments and sets of theories. First, the violators base their argument on the contractions theory, where the human beings are said to have signed a voluntary contract to ensure rights on themselves and close persons. The rights also cover what the human beings have sentimental value, and what interests them in the society only. Reagan argues that this does not adequately cover the rights of animals in the society from the actions of human beings. He states that in case the animal in question does not have any relevance or value to the human being, then he/she is not morally obligated to uphold or enforce the rights of the animal (Re agan, 1989). The second argument is considered as the cruelty-kindness theory that states that every human being has the duty to be kind to all the animals in the world, whether they have sentimental value or not; we also have an indirect duty not to be cruel to the animals in the world whatsoever. ...The same theory also argues for the statement ‘the end justifies the means’; moreover, Reagan uses the rights view to contradict these statements by egalitarians, by stating that the end does not justify the means, in the upholding animal rights. Reagan’s criticism is valid in light of clearly rational arguments and analysis on some other theories on animal rights. He seeks to bring balance between the animal’s rights and human rights in the world. The sense of belief that animals have no feelings and humans have no moral obligations towards them is clearly misplaced. There needs to be a balance between actions to animals and the results, in that animals are living things too and have emotions and rights that we need to uphold in society, if we are to be rational.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Karl Rahner And The Anonymous Christian Theology Religion Essay

Karl Rahner And The Anonymous Christian Theology Religion Essay Before we go into talking about Karl Rahners idea of the anonymous Christian, let me tell you a little bit about Karl Rahner himself. Most of my information about Karl Rahner comes from the Karl Rahner Society. When you get a chance, you should check out the website. There is a lot more information on there about his life and some of his works. Karl Rahner was born in Freiburg, Germany on March 5, 1904 and died in Innsbruck, Austria, March 30, 1984. In 1922, Rahner entered the Jesuit order and he was soon one of the most influential Roman Catholic theologians in the Vatican II era. He wrote many essays that covered a broad range of topics. Most of these essays were on what concerned the Catholics from the 1940s to the 1980s. His essays provided many resources for both academic and pastoral theology. Karl Rahner was very popular in his native German-speaking countries. He became popular through his teaching, lectures, editorial labors and membership in learned societies. Rahner was published in international publications like Concilium and he had a large collection of works. Rahner also enjoyed a positive reception of his contributions by many Protestant thinkers. After Rahners service as an official papal theological expert from 1960 to 1965, his influence became more evident. The term anonymous Christian was thought up by Karl Rahner in an attempt to explain how non-Christians could still be saved by the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. To better understand how Rahner arrives at his concept of the anonymous Christian, it is important to first understand the basis of Rahners ideas. Karl Rahner was greatly influenced by Immanuel Kant and two contemporary Thomists, Joseph Marà ©chal and Pierre Rousselot. Marà ©chal and Rousselot were said to play a major role in the influence Rahners understanding of Thomas Aquinas. The basis of Rahners thoughts comes from his belief of Gods self-communication. Rahner says the self-communication of God is transcendent. It transcends all of the tangible means in history by which we have known God, such as holy people, places, and things. He says we all know God when he communicates to us. God communicates by becoming immediate to us. We recognize God as a supporter, or someone who fills an emptiness when we need help because God hears our unconscious call and fills that emptiness. Through this communication God offers people forgiveness. This thinking process is what leads Karl Rahner to the idea of the anonymous Christian. Rahners first two books were Spirit in the Word and Hearer of the Word. Through these books and in Rahners essays, it shows his way of thinking and believing. Rahner believes that God is in all things and he shows a deep devotion to Jesus and the Catholic doctrine. Rahner talks about the anonymous Christian in an interview provided to Rev. Norman Wong Cheong Sau in an article titled Karl Rahners Concepts of the Anonymous Christian an Inclusivist View of Religions; in this article, Rahner provided his personal definition of an anonymous Christian: We prefer the terminology according to which a man is called anonymous Christian who on the one hand has de facto accepted of his freedom this gracious self-offering on Gods part through faith, hope and love, while on the other he is absolutely not yet a Christian at the social level (through baptism and membership of the Church) or in the sense of having consciously objectified his Christianity to himself in his own mind (by explicit Christian faith resulting from having hearkened to the explicit message.) We might therefore, put it as follows: the anonymous Christian in our sense of the term is the pagan after the beginning of the Christian mission, who lives in the state of Christs grace through faith, hope, and love, yet who has no explicit knowledge of the fact that his life is orientated in grace-given salvation to Jesus Christ. In another interview with the State of Catholic Theology Today, Karl Rahner answers a question about his anonymous Christian idea. Interviewer: Tell us something about your ideas on what you call anonymous Christianity. Rahner: Anonymous Christianity means that a person lives in the grace of God and attains salvation outside of explicitly constituted Christianityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Let us say, a Buddhist monkà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ who, because he follows his conscience, attains salvation and lives in the grace of God; of him I must say that he is an anonymous Christian; if not, I would have to presuppose that there is a genuine path to salvation that really attains that goal, but that simply has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. But I cannot do that. And so, if I hold if everyone depends upon Jesus Christ for salvation, and if at the same time I hold that many live in the world who have not expressly recognized Jesus Christ, then there remains in my opinion nothing else but to take up this postulate of an anonymous Christianity. A non-anonymous Christian is someone who has accepted Christ into their lives. Someone who lives with the grace of Gods grace, love, hope and understanding. A person who declares themselves a Christian is someone who has been baptized and lives by Gods laws. Rahner basis his belief in the anonymous Christian as someone who lives a Christian lifestyle, but has not yet declared himself a true Christian. According to Rahner, to declare yourself a true Christian, you must be baptized, attend mass, and pray in the traditional standard way. A true Christian should live in a Christ like manner and follow Gods laws. This type of person declares themselves a Christian in every way possible: the way they talk, the way they pray, and their absolution from original sin. Think of Mother Teresa, she would be a good example of a declared Christian. She followed Gods words and teachings and accepted Jesus in her life. Rahner accepts the idea that there is more than one way to reach God. He says through Jesus is only but one way. Gandi can be an example of an anonymous Christian. Although, he did not call himself a Christian by name, he lived in a Christ like manner. Gandhi followed his religion faithfully and lived by Gods laws. On page 75 of the Rahner Reader there is a quote that describes how Gandhi could be called an anonymous Christian, The mind of even the anonymous Christian is raised to the supernatural order by the grace of Christ, philosophy is not purely secular activity. The best of modern philosophy should be considered the self-reflection of a mind to which God has revealed himself implicitly through his grace. Through Gandhis self-awareness and through his though process, he has Christian like beliefs. Though Gandhi is not a declared Christian, he would be considered an anonymous Christian because his lifestyle and beliefs brought him into the grace of God. Can just anyone become an anonymous Christian The answer is yes, but the answer to this question is also based on a persons beliefs, their way of thinking, and their supernatural salvation. God denies no man. Gods grace is open to all men, according to Rahner. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all mens salvation. Even the ones who dont realize it will still be saved. This must mean that the non-Christians who end up in heaven must have received the grace of Christ without their realizing it. Again, this is where we get the term, Anonymous Christian. This idea and thinking can cause some mind-boggling issues. Upon doing my research on this subject on the internet, I came across some other peoples point of view on the subject. The main question that really stood out to me was If I am going to be saved anyway, then why should I convert to Christianity? While this is a good question and made me do some further research. When you take a minute and actually think about the question at hand, it is a horrible way for someone to think. Yes, you will probably get into heaven anyway because Jesus already died on the cross for our sins, but wouldnt you want to convert to Christianity to give yourself an even better chance of getting into heaven And there again, it all depends on the person and their personal beliefs. The Catholic Church believes that, although Christ is the Savior of the human race, a person does not have to know him personally to be saved. I think Rahner is just trying to get that message across to people through his works and his idea of the anonymous Christian. Salvation can only come through Christ, but God makes offers of salvation to non-Christians through their culture and own religion. Those who accept this offer are these anonymous Christians. Rahner says that even though they are not aware of Christ, they are saved by accepting Gods supernatural offer of grace through Christ. I can believe in this. If someone shows that they are a good person and does good things for themselves and other people (Think back to Gandhi and Mother Teresa) then I believe they will get into heaven regardless of their religion. I believe this because God sees that they are good people and that they have accepted Gods grace (knowingly or un-knowingly) into their lives. A persons actions determine whether or no they are worthy of Gods grace. The world is full of anonymous Christians. Some are people we walk by every day. In a summary, the term anonymous Christian to Karl Rahner could refer to a person who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ, but is also someone who is not associated with any organized religion. Anonymous Christian could also be a term used for someone who does not wish to reveal their religious identity. Basically Karl Rahner is keeping to the Catholic religion in his belief that ALL people have a chance to be saved because Christ is the Savior of the human race. A person does not have to know Him personally to be saved. Rahner also insists that people should not give up on all missionary efforts. A persons chances at salvation are better if that person has an understanding of the Christian offer of grace.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Yusef Komunyakaa’s “Tu Do Street” and “Camouflaging the Chimera”

Both â€Å"Tu Do Street† and â€Å"Camouflaging the Chimera† express the negotiation of racial boundaries in a new, unfamiliar environment where barriers are at once more rigid and flexible. While the speaker addresses the boundaries that exist between black and white soldiers, particularly in Tu Do Street, he also explores the relationship between himself and the Viet Cong.As an African-American soldier, the speaker feels isolated from his white counterparts, even in times of leisure. The music that â€Å"divides the evening,† (Tu Do Street, 1) is sung by white singers (Hank Snow, 7, and Hank Williams, 12) and the speaker is passed over at the bar in favor of â€Å"white face[s],† (12). While interactions between black and white take place in a more illicit realm (black & white/soldiers touch the same lovers/minutes apart,† 28-30), the speaker also probes the hidden connections between the soldiers and their enemies: â€Å"Back in the bush at Dak T o/& Khe Sanh, we fought/the brothers of these women/we now hold in our arms,† (23-26).By exploring the dichotomy between loving and killing, to disparate concepts in both action and feeling, the speaker calls into question the human nature behind war and labeling the enemy by the color of his flesh.  In â€Å"Camouflaging the Chimera,† the connections between the Americans and the VC are further established. While the distinctions between black and white are largely abandoned, as Drew and Tyler mentioned (the narrator is â€Å"We,† not â€Å"I†), the speaker focuses on the similarities between the American soldiers and their Vietnamese enemies. While â€Å"painting our faces & rifles/with mud† (2-3) functions to equalize the American soldiers in skin color, it also serves as an equalizing force between the Americans and the VC.Through the poem, the VC are described with terms of darkness, literally as â€Å"dark-hearted songbirds,† (14), â €Å"rock apes,† (16) and â€Å"black silk† (24). This imagery works, on one level, to paint the enemy in a dark, negative light. On another level, however, it aligns the VC with the speaker, a black soldier. The final lines of the poem (â€Å"as a world revolved/under each man’s eyelid,† 30-31) distills the speaker’s understanding of the human aspect of war, as he acknowledges that each man, black or white or Vietnamese, has his own experience and history, and that each man is as much an individual as part of an army.In agreeing with Kris’s assertion that the speaker, at times, tries to cross the boundary of race between black and white soldiers, I think the speaker is more broadly concerned with narrowing the division between all who fight against each other in any arena—black and white in matters of race, American and Vietnamese in matters of war—in order to shed light on their shared humanity.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Family Play Essay

Robert: If you don’t like what I’m watching then go and watch the other TV. Mary: No! Why don’t you just put it on something that we both like? Mum and Dad are watching the other TV anyway. Robert: Because I like this. Mary: Well you need to go to bed soon. Robert: Well when I do then you can watch what you like. Mary: Why do you always need to be so selfish? I hate having a younger brother like you. (Short pause of silence) Shelly: (shouting) Robert it’s time for bed now. Robert: Alright I’m going, I’m going. (Robert stands up) Mary: Can I have the remote control, Robert? Robert: If you say please. Mary: Don’t be such an idiot and just give it to me! (Robert leaves the remote control where he’s sitting smiles sweetly at Mary and leaves the room) Robert: G’night Mum, G’night Dad. Shelly and Colin: Goodnight Robert, sleep well. (Next day and Robert wakes up very excited because it’s his birthday, he gets dressed and goes downstairs where his parents are eating breakfast. ) Robert: (happily) Good morning! Shelly: Morning Robert, you seem very cheerful today? You’re usually half asleep at this time in the morning. Robert: (laughing) Am I not allowed to be cheerful on my birthday? – When can I open my presents? Colin: (looks extremely worried) Well†¦ Robert: Can I open them now? Where’ve you put them? Shelly: Hmm†¦ Well†¦ Robert I think that we both kind of forgot what the date was. Colin: (convincingly) It’s not that we forgot when your birthday was! – It’s just that we’ve both been so busy with work recently we haven’t been keeping track of what the day is. Robert: (shocked) You mean†¦ you forgot my birthday?! Shelly: No! We just haven’t had the time to get you a present yet. Robert: I can’t believe it! My own parents forgot my birthday! (Shelly walks over to Robert to try and comfort him but Robert shrugs her off) Shelly: I know, why don’t we all go a shop now and we can buy you a present? Robert: Because its Sunday and all the shops are closed. Shelly: So it is, I forgot what day it was. Robert: (angrily) I noticed! Colin: We’re really sorry Rob, you know how busy we’ve both been. (Mary enters, having heard the noise) Mary: What are you shouting about?! Robert: Don’t tell me you forgot too! Mary: Forgot what? Robert: It’s my birthday! Mary: Is it? I thought it was the 8th today? Not the 9th. Robert: Well it’s the 9th, and you all forgot! Mary: Oh, sorry Rob, I didn’t realise. Robert: Don’t expect me to remember any of your birthdays! (small awkward silence) Colin: I know we’ll take you out to the pub for a Sunday lunch, and I’ll buy your present tomorrow. Robert: (sulkily) Fine. (Later that morning the doorbell rings and Mary goes to answer it) Mary: (shocked) Hi Uncle Craig! Craig: (Australian accent) Hello Mary, how are ya? Mary: I’m fine thanks! (louder) Muuuuum uncle Craig’s here from Australia! (Shelly comes to the door) Shelly: Who? I thought you said Craig! (laughs to herself) Craig: (smiling) She did. Shelly: (shocked) Oh my god, Craig! Wh†¦ Wh†¦ Why are you here? Craig: Well for Roberts birthday of course! Where is he? Shelly: He’s in his room. But he’s going to be so pleased to see you! Have you come all this way just to see Robert on his birthday? Craig: That’s right! I thought I’d surprise you all. Mary: Well you’ve definitely done that! Shelly: Well come in, have a drink, make yourself at home. (They all go into the living room to join Colin) Colin: Hello Craig, how are you? This is certainly a surprise! Craig: I’m doing great thanks, how ’bout you Colin? Colin: Not bad. Not bad. Mary: I’ll go and fetch Rob. . (Mary leaves to get Robert) Craig: So what present did you get Rob? Shelly: (sheepishly) Oh, we haven’t got it yet. Colin: Were getting it tomorrow though. Craig: Oh alright then, I hope he likes the present I got him! Shelly: I’m sure that he will. (Mary and Robert come back downstairs) Robert: (very excitedly) Hi uncle Craig! (gives him a hug) what are you doing here? Craig: For your birthday of course! Did you forget? (laughs) Robert: (sarcastically) I didn’t, but I know somebody who did. Craig: What do you mean? Robert: Didn’t they tell you? They forgot that it was my birthday today! Craig: (looks at Colin in surprise) Really? That’s terrible! Colin: We lost track of what day it was. Craig: I’m sure he won’t mind if you get a present tomorrow then. Will you Robert? Robert: No, I suppose not. Craig: Now, do you want to see what I got you? (Robert suddenly seems more excited again) Robert: oooh yes please! (Craig hands Robert a long wrapped up present, which Robert begins to unwrap) Robert: Wow! A didgeridoo! Thanks Craig, that’s amazing! Craig: Glad that you like it Rob.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Treating the Side-Effects of Unemployment

Treating the Side-Effects of Unemployment While tips on networking and crafting the perfect resume and cover letter appear online day in and day out, the elements of self-care that go into a job search are no less important! Writer Amy-Louise Goldberg proffers up her â€Å"6 Ps† for managing job-search stress. Briefly, they are â€Å"planning, persistence, perspective, positivity, physical attentiveness and ‘phriends and phamily.’ â€Å" Planning is not only a great tool for mapping out the logistics of your job search strategy–finding open positions, preparing your materials, applying and following up appropriately–but is also a terrific way to alleviate anxiety and that feeling of helplessness that often pervades a period of unemployment. There’s something about writing out a to-do list with checkboxes that leads to a feeling of relief. Don’t be afraid to write out even the smallest steps on a bad day–checking off â€Å"take a shower† and â€Å"eat breakfastà ¢â‚¬  can give you that little jolt of accomplishment you need tackle the bigger tasks of the day. Plan long-term for the next few months, and short-term for the next few days; when one list stymies you, you can find something on the other to get you moving again.Be persistent in your search; Goldberg suggestions managing your expectations by â€Å"[assuming] a conservative average ‘hit’ rate of one interview per 15 resumes sent, and one interview per 15 contacts generated. On the positive side, assume that half that number–1 in 8-interviews–may yield an offer (since you already made it to the interview stage).† Hold on to your sense of perspective as well–it’s a tough climate, but not an impossible for a tenacious job-seeker. Instead of beating yourself up for each setback or letdown, each unanswered email or awkward interview, focus on what each experience has taught you. You can even practice developing narratives about â€Å"a ti me you overcame an obstacle† to bring out in future interviews.Taking care of yourself physically is as important as preparing yourself on paper; make sure you’re getting enough sleep, good nutrition, and exercise to keep your spirits up and your body healthy. Something as simple as weekly yoga, a daily walk, or a break to stand up and stretch every hour may help keep you tuned up.Another element of being unemployed that takes a toll is the feeling of isolation; everyone else is going off to work at more or less regular hours, and it’s easy to feel left behind. That’s why Goldberg recommends â€Å"phriends and phamily† as the final piece of the pie–stay in touch with friends and former colleagues. Even an article with â€Å"read this and thought of you† can help you feel connected and keep conversations ongoing. Find â€Å"running buddies† among your freelancing and fellow job-seeking friends; meet up for â€Å"apply-athonsâ₠¬  in local cafes or take turns hosting one another at home. You aren’t alone, and this isn’t forever. Take good care of yourself and the job search will follow!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Emiliano Zapata and the Plan of Ayala

Emiliano Zapata and the Plan of Ayala The Plan of Ayala (Spanish: Plan de Ayala) was a document written by Mexican Revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata and his supporters in November of 1911, in response to Francisco I. Madero and his Plan of San Luà ­s. The plan is a denunciation of Madero as well as a manifesto of Zapatismo and what it stood for. It calls for land reform and freedom and would become very important to Zapatas movement until his assassination in 1919. Zapata and Madero When Madero called for armed revolution against the Porfirio Dà ­az regime in 1910 after losing crooked elections, Zapata was among the first to answer the call. A community leader from the small southern state of Morelos, Zapata had been infuriated by members of the wealthy class stealing land with impunity under Dà ­az. Zapatas support for Madero was vital: Madero may never have dethroned Dà ­az without him. Still, once Madero took power in early 1911, he forgot about Zapata and ignored calls for land reform. When Zapata once again took up arms, Madero declared him an outlaw and sent an army after him. The Plan of Ayala Zapata was enraged by Maderos betrayal and fought against him with both the pen and the sword. The Plan of Ayala was designed to make Zapatas philosophy clear and draw support from other peasant groups. It had the desired effect as disenfranchised peons from southern Mexico flocked to join Zapatas army and movement. It did not have much effect on Madero, however, who had already declared Zapata to be an outlaw. Provisions of the Plan The Plan itself is a short document, containing only 15 main points, most of which are quite tersely worded. It denounces Madero as an ineffective President and a liar and accuses him (correctly) of trying to perpetuate some of the ugly agrarian practices of the Dà ­az administration. The plan calls for Maderos removal and names as Chief of the Revolution Pascual Orozco, a rebel leader from the north who had also taken up arms against Madero after once supporting him. Any other military leaders who fought against Dà ­az were to help overthrow Madero or be considered enemies of the Revolution. Land Reform The Plan of Ayala calls for all lands stolen under Dà ­az to be immediately returned. There was considerable land fraud under the old dictator, so a great deal of territory was involved. Large plantations owned by a single person or family would have one-third of their land nationalized to be given to poor farmers. Any who resisted this action would have the other two-thirds confiscated as well. The Plan of Ayala invokes the name of Benito Jurez, one of Mexicos great leaders, and compares the taking of land from the wealthy to Juarez actions when taking it from the church in the 1860s. Revision of the Plan Madero barely lasted long enough for the ink on the Plan of Ayala to dry. He was betrayed and assassinated in 1913 by one of his Generals, Victoriano Huerta. When Orozco joined forces with Huerta, Zapata (who hated Huerta even more than he had despised Madero) was forced to revise the plan, removing Orozcos status as Chief of the Revolution, which would henceforth be Zapata himself. The rest of the Plan of Ayala was not revised. The Plan in the Revolution The Plan of Ayala was important to the Mexican Revolution because Zapata and his supporters came to regard it as a sort of litmus test of who they could trust. Zapata refused to support anyone who would not first agree to the Plan. Zapata was able to implement the plan in his home state of Morelos, but most of the other revolutionary generals were not very interested in land reform and Zapata had trouble building alliances. Importance of the Plan of Ayala At the Convention of Aguascalientes, Zapatas delegates were able to insist on some of the provisions of the Plan being accepted, but the government cobbled together by the convention did not last long enough to implement any of them. Any hope of implementing the Plan of Ayala died with Zapata in a hail of assassins bullets on April 10, 1919. The revolution did restore some lands stolen under Dà ­az, but land reform on the scale imagined by Zapata never happened. The plan became part of his legend, however, and when the EZLN launched an offensive in January of 1994 against the Mexican Government, they did so in part because of the unfinished promises left behind by Zapata, the Plan among them. Land reform has become a rallying cry of the Mexican poor rural class ever since, and the Plan of Ayala is often cited.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Dance review Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dance - Movie Review Example The performance is structured around a collection of themes as well as reoccurring settings. The work can be viewed as being light but punctuated with some heavier moments. The choreographer, Barton ventures more into subjects regarding femininity, masculinity, ritual, water and nurture. The choreography depicted from the performance is quite demanding but despite this the performers rise to the challenge. There are three dancers that standout due to the fact that they are heavily featured: Davon Rainey, William Briscoe and Jonathan Alsberry. The three dancers are quite captivating based on their fast as well as a percussive unison section where they are able to sway their hips and also strut their things in a quite incredible but yet masculine way. The piece Awaa is a one evening length that is performed within a condensed time frame of about 45 minutes from the full version which was 75 minutes(Barton). The dance is a group work performed by six male and one female. The movements are simple and effectively magnified in order to suit the rhythm of the music selected. The dance movements are fast and greatly coordinated among the dancers. The dancers move at a meditative pace as they execute each routine of their performance. Based on my perception I tend to think that the choreographer, Barton tends to leave most of the explanation of the performance to the audience. Nevertheless, the performance made me view different aspects that are involved in choreography. The work clearly shows the relationship that tends to exist between dance and music. The dance routine must be greatly coordinated with the music that goes along with it. The piece Awaa has a unique dance routine that tries to tell a story based on the subjects of femininity and masculinity but due to the element of confusing array of the projected images it is quite difficult to formulate the entire story or what message the dance is trying to pass across to the audience. The dancers

Friday, November 1, 2019

Analyzing Point of View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Analyzing Point of View - Essay Example The two grow up to adulthood though Paulus has been away at boarding school (Gordimer, 1975). Thebedi, helping her father on the farm grows to a big gracious girl and continues to see the young man. They engage in sex again and out of this, a young innocent child is born. Later, she is married to Njabulo who does not suspect he is not the father of the child. Paulus comes and poisons the child and it dies. A case is filed but Paulus is set free, a sign of injustice to blacks. The point of view used by the narrator, omniscient third point of view does not change all through the short story. It has been consistently used throughout. The deep information he/she provides about the life at Kraal and the farm is a good example. This point of view offers a great description of the events in the story and this gives a clear understanding of it. The story becomes simpler to understand and appeals when one is reading. This point of view enhances understanding of the story. The narrator uses this point of view to show how the blacks were unjustly oppressed. Paulus was guilty indeed but was set free; corruption was used by his father. The blacks were often subject to whites and had no say, Thebedi tells the truth but that is not